Using The Jet Compact Utility To Compress A Database

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After running your restaurant with Aldelo® For Restaurants for a period of time, the database can become very large. This in turn can slow down the software. Reducing the size of the database by running the jet compact utility can help keep the software running at its peak of performance. The Aldelo® Jet Compact Utility creates a copy of the database at a reduced size. This new database is saved in the same folder as your active database.

Note: THIS PROCEDURE SHOULD BE DONE ON THE POS TERMINAL DESIGNATED AS THE SERVER. Be sure to create a backup of your live database before attempting to use the Aldelo® Database Cleaner utility. In Aldelo® For Restaurants, navigate to the Back Office and click on “Backup Database” under Common Tasks.

Open the Start Menu and Click Run (or press the Windows Key + R on the keyboard)

Browse to the following path: C:\Program Files\Aldelo\Aldelo For Restaurants\Aldelo For Restaurants POS\

Note: on 64 bit systems the path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Aldelo\Aldelo For Restaurants\Aldelo For Restaurants POS\

Open the Jet Compact Utility: JETCOMP.exe

In the Jet Compact Utility, specify the source database. In most instances, databases are stored in c:\RESDATA.

Next, select the destination for the new (compacted) database. Ensure the new database is given a new name. You do not want to overwrite the existing one!

Database Locale: Leave “None – Use Current language” selected

Under Additional Compact Options, leave “Destination is 4.x database format” selected.

Click the compact button. Depending on the size of the database, this process can take some time.

Once the compact is completed, open C:\Resdata

  • Take note of the current database name, which we refer to as [DatabaseName] in the next steps.
  • Rename the original database to Old-[DatabaseName]
  • Rename the compacted database to [DatabaseName]

Open Aldelo. Aldelo should now open up using the new compacted database.

Using Aldelo Database Cleaner To Archive Old Sales (Reduce Database Size)

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The Aldelo® Database Cleaner reduces the size of the active database in Aldelo® For Restaurants and archives the old sales information for tax purposes. Sales and void information are removed from the database while leaving other data, such as customer information, inventory information, employee information, etc., intact. It is very simple to use.

Warning! Do not use the Aldelo® Database Cleaner utility if there are any outstanding gift certificates or in house charges remaining that were issued prior to your selected date. If you do, these gift certificates and in house charges will be removed from the database along with your sales and void information. Once this information has been removed, it cannot be recovered. Always backup your database before using the Aldelo® Database Cleaner utility. Aldelo Systems Inc. shall not be responsible for any damages whatsoever, monetary or otherwise, resulting from the use of this software.

After running your restaurant with Aldelo® For Restaurants for a period of time, the database can become very large. This in turn can slow down the software. Reducing the size of the database by removing and archiving old sales information can help keep the software running at its peak of performance. The Aldelo® Database Cleaner utility allows the user to select a date prior to which all sales information will be removed from the active database and placed in an archive file. This archive file has a .archive file extension and is saved in the same folder as your active database.

Running the Utility

Note: Be sure to create a backup of your live database before attempting to use the Aldelo® Database Cleaner utility. In Aldelo® For Restaurants, navigate to the Back Office and click on “Backup Database” under Common Tasks.
First, open Aldelo® For Restaurants and navigate to the Back Office. In the System Information group box, make note of the path to the active database file listed under Data Source. You will need this information shortly.
Next, before you can run the Aldelo® Database Cleaner, you must shut down Aldelo® For Restaurants on all workstations, including the server computer. Then, from your desktop, navigate to Start > All Programs > Aldelo For Restaurants > Tools and click on “Database Cleaner” to display the main screen of the utility.


Click on the “Browse” button to display the Database File Selection window. In this window, navigate to the location of your existing live database file. The default path is C:\ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ Aldelo \ Aldelo For Restaurants \ Databases \ Live. If your file is not found here, navigate to the file along the path that was listed in the Back Office of Aldelo® For Restaurants under Data Source. Select your file and click “Open”.


The main screen re-appears with the path to your database displayed in the field at the top. In the lower field, enter the date before which you wish to delete the sales information from your database. The date must be in numerical format with a hyphen or slash separator, such as “01-01-2008” or “1/1/08.” After entering the date, press the “Enter” button on your keyboard. If the date was entered incorrectly, the text you entered in the date field is deleted automatically. Re-enter the date in the correct format. If the date was entered in the correct format, the “Start Cleaning” button is revealed and enabled. Click the “Start Cleaning” button to complete the process.


The Operation Complete message displays when the database cleaning is finished. Click the “OK” button to have the utility attempt to compact the database.


A message confirms that the compact procedure completed successfully (if the compaction fails, be sure to manually compact your database in Aldelo® For Restaurants). Click the “OK” button.


Your database has been successfully cleaned, archived, and compacted!

How to Silence The Buttons (keypad buttons) on S300 Pin Pads

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A) Func key + 1: Enter password

B) Press #3

c) Press #1

D) Press #1

E) Press #1

Resolving Aldelo DRM Errors

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The Aldelo DRM Error issue might be caused by a large number of reasons, but the number one cause for an Aldelo error such as “process drm payload failed” or “restart drm service” is all connected to ADRM.EndPoint.Service.exe

ADRM.EndPoint.Service.exe runs itself as a service named ‘Aldelo DRM Services’ (Aldelo DRM Services).

Here are the list of files installed by Aldelo EPS:

Aldelo.AIS.Config.exe – Aldelo.IntegrationServices.Config (Aldelo.IntegrationServices Configuration Utility)
Aldelo.AIS.Service.exe – Aldelo.IntegrationServices
ADRM.EndPoint.Service.exe – ADRM.EndPoint.Service
AKDS.Service.LC.exe – Aldelo KDS Service
ADRM.Client.exe – ADRM.Client (Aldelo DRM Client)
AKDS.Client.LC.exe – AKDS.Client (Aldelo KDS Client)
APFX.Config.exe – APFX.Config
APFX.Server.exe – APFX.Server

To solve the Aldelo DRM Error issue effectively and efficiently, contact Shoreline Technical Services right now at: 714-581-8000

Start the “Aldelo Integration Services” Client Application
1. Click “End Points” Tab and select “Renew Keys” for the DRM entry

2. Click “Home” Tab and Select “Yes” to Renew the AIS Encryption Key

3. Once “Home” Tab is visible, click “Elevate Security” button
4. Once AIS Client application auto restarts, click “Install Service”
5. If the AIS Win Service was previously installed, then click the “Run Service” button instead
Start the “Aldelo DRM” Client Application
1. Click the “Manage Services” button, you may be prompted to
elevate security, if so, answer “Yes”.
2. Once Aldelo DRM client restarts, click “Manage Services” button again to view the Windows Service management screen
3. Click the “Add Http Reservation” button to reserve the http namespace. This is important in order for the DRM service to
operate properly. (Follow the default prompts that appears)
4. Now click the “Install Service” or “Start Service” to enable the
Windows service into running state
5. Now you may exit the Aldelo DRM Client unless you are ready to
activate one or more serial numbers

Activate License
1. Click “Activate License” button within Aldelo DRM Client

2. Enter the Valid and Registered Serial Number
3. Click Next (This May Take a Minute)
4. Confirm The Information and Next / Next
5. Click Finish To Perform Activation
Note: You May Have Multiple Activations of Different Serial Numbers for Different Products, But Same Serial Number Cannot Be
Activated Twice On The Same Compute.

Renew License
1. Select An Existing Activation From The List and Click The Renew License Button

De-Activate License
1. Select An Existing Activation From The List and Then Click The De-
Activate License Button

How To Activate Receipt Printing

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Take out –> Counter –> Delivery
A) Back Office

B) Store Settings
C) Print Tab

D) Customer Receipt Tab

E) Select “Auto Print Receipt When Finish”